
This section provides information on crucial return metrics such as return on equity (RoAE, denoted as RoE in the software), return on assets (RoAA, or RoA), return on capital employed (RoACE, or RoCE) and return on invested capital (RoAIC, or RoIC). It also incorporates information on critical margins such as gross, EBITDA, and net margins. In addition to the relative ranking of the absolute value of these return and margin metrics (average weighted for the last several years), we rank assets in terms of the volatility of these metrics. Finally, we utilise an essential value-creation RoIC/WACC metric for corporate stocks. The lowest score (1 of 7) is assigned to an asset ranking among the lowest among its peers on return, margin and RoIC/WACC metrics and very high among its peers on the return and margin metrics volatility, considering both historical, current, and forecasted periods. The highest score of 7 out of 7 means very high (again, relative to the peers) values of margin, returns metrics, value-creation RoIC/WACC metric and low historical volatility of these metrics.

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